1602 Geffrey (Geoffrey) Chaucer, The Workes. Canterbury Tales, Romaunt (Romance) of the Rose, etc. 1602 Geffrey (Geoffrey) Chaucer, The Workes. Canterbury Tales, Romaunt (Romance) of the Rose, etc. $2,999.99 1521 Sensuyt le Rommant de la Rose (Romance of the Rose), Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. Janot, Paris 1521 Sensuyt le Rommant de la Rose (Romance of the Rose), Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun. Janot, Paris $2,999.99 1585 Trattato dell'Arte della Pittura, Scoltura... de Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo 1585 Trattato dell'Arte della Pittura, Scoltura... de Giovanni Paolo Lomazzo $999.99 1507 Secunda pars Summe Alberthi Magni (Albertus Magnus). Pforzheim, Basel 1507 Secunda pars Summe Alberthi Magni (Albertus Magnus). Pforzheim, Basel $1,099.99 1582 Piae Cantiones... by Theodoricus Petri. Printed in Greifswald. 1582 Piae Cantiones... by Theodoricus Petri. Printed in Greifswald. $6,499.99 1507 Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft ir harkommen... by Petermann Etterlin. Printed by Furter in Basel 1507 Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft ir harkommen... by Petermann Etterlin. Printed by Furter in Basel $4,499.99 Red morocco binding with silver hardware; 1838 Christ in der Andacht... Red morocco binding with silver hardware; 1838 Christ in der Andacht... $649.99 1598 Modelles Artifices de Feu et Divers Instrumes de Guer by Joseph Boillot 1598 Modelles Artifices de Feu et Divers Instrumes de Guer by Joseph Boillot $1,199.99 Silver binding, sammelband of Jesuit poetry works of the 17th century, circa 1678 Silver binding, sammelband of Jesuit poetry works of the 17th century, circa 1678 $1,199.99 1581 Joannis Mesuae Opera, de Medicamentorum Purgantium Delectu... Giunti,Venice 1581 Joannis Mesuae Opera, de Medicamentorum Purgantium Delectu... Giunti,Venice $3,499.99 1712 attributed French royal binding L'Office de la Semaine Sainte. Pepie, Paris. Possibly an Augustin du Sueil binding. 1712 attributed French royal binding L'Office de la Semaine Sainte. Pepie, Paris. Possibly an Augustin du Sueil binding. $699.99 1591 M. Fabii Quintiliani (Quintilian) Institutionum Oratoriarum. Stoer, Geneva 1591 M. Fabii Quintiliani (Quintilian) Institutionum Oratoriarum. Stoer, Geneva $649.99 Scarce. 1614 M. Derings Workes, by Edward Dering. Imperfect copy, sold as-is Scarce. 1614 M. Derings Workes, by Edward Dering. Imperfect copy, sold as-is $599.99 Fine binding. 1887 Congregational Church Hymnal Fine binding. 1887 Congregational Church Hymnal $449.00 First edition. 1767 Grotesque Architecture by William Wrighte. London, England. Follies, architectural history, etc. First edition. 1767 Grotesque Architecture by William Wrighte. London, England. Follies, architectural history, etc. $1,499.99 1798 Sefer ha-Gedarim or Mikhlal Yofi (a 15th century Hebrew Lexicon) by Menahem Ben Abraham Bonafos of Perpignan. Printed in Berlin 1798 Sefer ha-Gedarim or Mikhlal Yofi (a 15th century Hebrew Lexicon) by Menahem Ben Abraham Bonafos of Perpignan. Printed in Berlin $449.99 Scarce. 1574 Cantica ex Sacris Literis..., by Georg Major. Protestant reformation music. Scarce. 1574 Cantica ex Sacris Literis..., by Georg Major. Protestant reformation music. $749.99 1561 Dell'Ufflicio del Marito (Of the Office of Marriage) and Istitutione della Femina Christiana (the Christian Female) by Juan Luis Vives. 1561 Dell'Ufflicio del Marito (Of the Office of Marriage) and Istitutione della Femina Christiana (the Christian Female) by Juan Luis Vives. $699.99 1632 Lucans Pharsalia: or The Civill Warres of Rome... translator Thomas May. Printed in London, England 1632 Lucans Pharsalia: or The Civill Warres of Rome... translator Thomas May. Printed in London, England $649.99 Extra-illustrated, and a signed letter, and an original manuscript page. Napoleon and his Marshals by J.T. Headley Extra-illustrated, and a signed letter, and an original manuscript page. Napoleon and his Marshals by J.T. Headley $649.99
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